1st year of Bachelor (L1)

The first year of the Bachelor's degree is part of the BG2S (BioSciences & GeoSciences) common portal. The subjects Earth - Evolution - Environment and Climate and Transitions are compulsory. In addition, you can already prepare for the continuation towards the mention "Earth Sciences" by opting for two additional modules focused on geosciences:
Course | Semester | Credits | Code |
Earth, Evolution, Environment | Autumn | 6 | STU1001L |
Climate and Transition | 2 | TVL1211L | |
Géologie et Environnement : des Outils aux Terrains | Spring | 6 | STU1002L |
Physics for Earth Sciences | Spring | 6 | PHY1008L |
You are still not sure of your choice of orientation? Don't panic! The BG2S portal is designed to allow you to change your mind during the year, and to join one of the Biology courses in L2, or the Biology-Geology course that leads to teaching jobs. The rest of the L1 content includes several Biology and Biochemistry courses, as well as Mathematics applied to Biology:
Course | Credits | Code |
Diversity of life | 6 | BIO1011L |
Mathematics for Biology and Earth Sciences | 6 | BIO1004L |
Biochemistry: carbohydrates and lipids | 6 | BIO1007L |
Biochemistry: proteins and nucleic acids | 6 | BIO1006L |
From the cell to the organism | 6 | BIO1002L |
These 50 credits are complemented by 10 credits of cross-disciplinary courses: English, sports, computer science and professional project development.
Progressive training program
If you did not take any scientific subjects in the last years of high school, a progressive course (PP) will be offered to you. This allows you to validate the 60 credits of L1 in two years, while benefiting from a lighter timetable and mentoring in smaller groups. parcours progressif (PP) vous sera proposé. Celui-ci permet de valider les 60 crédits de L1 en deux ans, en bénéficiant d’un emploi du temps allégé et d’un accompagnement en plus petits groupes.
Your teaching team in L1



