You'll find here all the practical informations to apply to our courses depending on your situation

Before applying, make sure to also read the documentation found here.

Depending on my situation (I wish to apply to a University Lyon 1 training program outside or part of any universitary exchange or mobility program), I will have to follow the instructions available here.

Note that to apply in L1, I need to speak and understand french reasonably well. I may be proposed to take a French test before applying.

Click here to download the flyer of the training program proposed by Lyon-Géologie

  • If I want to join Lyon-Géologie as part of an international mobility or exchange program, I can follow the instructions located here.

  • If I want to join Lyon-Géologie outside of any mobility exchange or mobility program, I need to follow the instruction located here.

  • I can apply to Lyon-Géologie L3 Géosciences by via University Lyon 1 :

  • If I want to join Lyon-Géologie outside of any mobility exchange or mobility program, I need to follow the instruction located here.

  • I can apply to Lyon-Géologie L3 Géosciences by via University Lyon 1 :

I can join Lyon-Géologie as part of an international mobility or exchange program (instructions here) or outside of an international mobility or exchange program (instructions here).

  • Otherwise, I can also apply to Lyon-Géologie L3 Géoscience via ENS Lyon :

In that case, I can follow the instructions given here. I can apply to the full ENS scholarship on record depending on my situation (European student or non-European), or come for one or two semesters as part of an exchange program (instructions here).

Alternatively, I can apply to the full ENS scholarship through a competitive exam.

Note that training in Lyon-Geologie is provided by both École Normale Supérieure de Lyon (ENS Lyon) and University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL). Any application to L3 Géosciences to either University Lyon 1 or ENS Lyon will be examined by a common pedagogical committee.

This is a selective Master's program: 24 places are available. This Master's degree is co-accredited by 3 institutions: ENS de Lyon, Université Lyon 1 and Université Jean Monnet (Saint-Étienne). However, the Master's program is managed jointly by Université Lyon 1 and ENS de Lyon. The same diploma will be awarded irrespective of the institution of registration.

    • 1) I apply through MonMaster
    • I can also choose to apply to the 1st year of Master at ENS Lyon. The appplication process depends on my situation (European or non-European).

I can apply to the 2nd year of Master at University Lyon 1 as part of or outside of an international exchange program.

I can also choose to apply to the 2nd year of Master at ENS Lyon. The appplication process depends on my situation (European or non-European).


For further information and in any case,

Contact the admin staff of Lyon-Géologie from ENS Lyon or University Lyon 1:

ENS Lyon (Mrs Laura OSMA-RAMIREZ) : +33 04 72 72 84 99

University Lyon 1 (Mrs Oriane Marduel) : +33 04 72 44 84 85

