Applied Sedimentology

Our human societies have been built on the exploitation of geological resources, particularly the sedimentary rocks that cover the vast majority of continental surfaces. Our collective future will be determined by our ability to change the way we use the soil and subsoil, drawing on the expertise of geologists and sedimentologists.

The main goal of this course is to show how sedimentology can be used to address some of today's major societal issues, such as natural resource management, global warming and land-use planning.

This UE will be organized around applied sedimentology projects I have worked on, such as the restoration of Notre-Dame de Paris, and the characterization of geothermal reservoirs and aquifers in France.

Individual assessment will be based on a short report and an oral presentation on one of the projects chosen by each student. By the end of this course, you will have acquired the sedimentology and diagenesis skills you need to deal with the major societal issues of our century.
