2nd year of Bachelor (L2)
Geology is much more than rocks! The second year of the degree program will allow you to familiarize yourself with all the disciplines that make up the Earth sciences, from cyclones to volcanoes and from the study of fossils to that of the Earth's magnetic field. Within a human-sized cohort (less than 50 students), you will acquire a vast base of fundamental and methodological knowledge as well as applied skills, with a large emphasis on practical work (computer tools, microscopy, and more than 10 days in the field). The year includes 10 compulsory scientific subjects:
Course | Semester | Credits | Code_Subject |
Atmosphere, ocean, biosphere | Autumn | 6 | STU2022L |
Chemistry - Geohemistry | Autumn | 6 | STU2002L |
Introduction to geophysics | Spring | 6 | STU2024L |
Mathematical tools and data analysis 1 | Autumn | 3 | STU2028L |
Outils mathématiques et analyse de données 2 | Spring | 3 | STU2029L |
Mineralogy and igneous/metamorphic petrology | Autumn | 6 | STU2021L |
Fossils and paleontology | Spring | 3 | STU2031L |
Sedimentary rocks and quaternary formations | Spring | 6 | STU2025L |
Tectonics | Spring | 3 | STU2030L |
Field work - basic methods | Spring | 6 | STU2008L |
Just like in L1, the 48 credits obtained in the disciplinary subjects are supplemented by two "transversal" subjects, including English, sports, professional project development and open courses.
In addition to this core curriculum, you can opt for the optional L2 Terre+ program, which offers methodological and disciplinary reinforcement as well as a first internship to discover the professional world. This supplement to the diploma is an asset whatever the program you will follow in L3:
Course | Semester | Credits | Code |
Reinforced methodology | Autumn & Spring | AEU | STU2026L |
Discovery of the professional world | Spring | AEU | STU2027L |
Your teaching team in L2
Nos étudiants en parlent
Une formation très intéressante avec beaucoup de contenu abordant de nombreux domaines différents en géosciences. Cela
permet de découvrir plein de sujets variés et de se faire une idée des métiers qu’il y a derrière.
Les stages sur le terrain sont un vrai atout, j’ai pu comprendre beaucoup de notions grâce à cela, et ils permettent aussi de finir l’année sur une bonne ambiance !
Une formation de qualité en informatique qu’on ne retrouve pas dans toutes les universités et qui permet de mieux appréhender le monde du travail.
Beaucoup de TD, qui permettent de mieux appréhender les cours.
Les professeurs ont la volonté de nous transmettre leurs passions pour les sciences de la Terre