**** Portes Ouvertes le 8 Février 2025 ****

Plus d’infos et Inscriptions ici : https://lyongeologie.fr/jpo2025

Lyon-Géologie: the reference training in Geosciences in Lyon for a career in engineering, research and/or teaching.

In the very dynamic and attractive setting of the city of Lyon, the Lyon Earth Sciences program (resulting from the close collaboration between ENS Lyon and University Lyon 1) offers an excellent, personalized, multidisciplinary training in a variety of subjects such as paleontology, georesources, geodynamics, natural hazards, climatic variations, and the evolution of the bodies of the Solar System.

Il y en a pour tous les goûts : pour les profils « explorateurs » (travail de terrain, en mer, dans les airs…), pour les profils « expérimentateurs » (analyses et expériences en laboratoire) ou pour les profils « informaticiens » (modélisation numérique, data science…)

  • Are you interested in studies to become a Geoexpert (technician, engineer...)?

Lyon-Geologie offers you a solid and complete Bachelor's degree in Applied Methods to Geosciences, which will lead you, at the end of your degree, to opportunities in the very dynamic sectors of Geotechnics, Environment and Sustainable Development, Geohazards, and Georesources!

  • Do you want to have an excellent training in Geosciences to become a researcher and/or a teacher?

Reflecting the research themes of its world-renowned, cutting-edge laboratory (the LGL-TPE), training in research and through research in the Geosciences Bachelor degree program and then in the Master's program in Earth and Planetary Sciences of Lyon-Geologie will help you build a unique profile and learn knowledge and skills that you can easily use in your potential application for a PhD thesis and/or in your future professional life. Indeed, Lyon-Geologie has a vast training offer combining naturalistic and quantitative theoretical approaches as well as numerous field trips and research internships starting at the undergraduate level. Provided by passionate teachers and researchers, this training will guide you towards the development of your curiosity, creativity and autonomy through the discovery of Geosciences!
